Commander Solves Downstream Community Odor Complaints
A Georgia Municipality was receiving odor complaints from a community downstream from a wastewater pump station. Helix was contacted by the Director of Utilities to provide a solution for the odor issue.
This graph represents H2S levels pre and post Commander treatment. Pre-treatment H2S levels were at an average of 135 ppm, with spikes reaching 556 ppm. At these levels, infrastructure will be severely corroded, and gases are very dangerous to the community. Post-treatment H2S levels are at an average of 17 ppm with max spikes of 61 ppm.

Helix Commander technology was dosed at one lift station at a rate of approximately 10 gallons per day. The flow at the lift station was 50,000 gallons per day.
Commander reduced average H2S by 87% and max spikes by 89%. Community odor complaints were eliminated, and the infrastructure was no longer at risk of deterioration.
High quality products delivered with turn-key service.
We manufacture eco-friendly products designed to treat waste streams, boosting capacity and preserving infrastructure. Superior products alone are not sufficient in our ever-changing environment. We’re committed to providing unmatched customer service and support.